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-- Dow's new RAMAC machine prints the daily financial statement of the Base Supply Account as Col. George W. R. Zethren, Wing Commander, and Captain William A. Brazill, Assistant Base Supply Officer look on. The information is stored in RAMAC's "memory drums" and is made available to the Base Supply Officer and th'l Financial Services division. The entire operation is complete in just seven minutes. The same job previously took three people and the facilities of the . base· machine room five days to complete (photograph). RAMAC = Random Access Method of Accounting
-- Recent births to Dow personnel and spouse included sons born to Mr. & Mrs. Murray Hennigar, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Leville, Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Luther, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Carrigan, Mr. & Mrs. Chester L. Harris, and daughters to Mr. & Mrs. James E. Gettinger, Mr. & Mrs. Richard McKale, and Mr. & Mrs. Rene Poirer.
-- Miss Pricilla Dogde, Dow Base librarian, attended a conference in Tallahassee, Florida.
Publication Date
Dow Air Base Personnel
Bangor, Maine
Bangor Maine, Dow Air Base, Bangor Maine Air Refueling Wing
Recommended Citation
Dow Air Base Personnel, "October 23, 1959" (1959). The Tanker Times. 38.