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-- Dow AFB was the scene this week of the annual NCO Executive and Advisory Council meeting. Members began arriving here last Saturday from all Eighth Air Force Bases. The week was highlighted by the arrival of Major General Walter C. Sweeney, Jr., Commander 8th AF.
-- Delegates to the council were: MSgt. Stephens, Westover AFB; MSgt. Shoar, MacDill AFB; MSgt. Pollack, Thule AFB; MSgt. Skeritt, Westover AFB; MSgt. Cawvey, Lockbourne; MSgt Holland Turner AFB; SSgt. Varela, Goose Bay AFB; MSgt. Kendall, Loring AFB; SMSgt. Popalis, Hunter AFB; SMSgt. Barrett, Griffiss AFB; MSgt Topoel, Presque lsle AFB; MSgt Kubler, Plattsburgh AFB; MSgt. Metheny, McCoy AFB; SMSgt. Cauthon, Sonderstrom Fjiord AFB; SMSgt. Hancock, Eglin AFB; SMSgt. Wheeler, Hamey AFB; SMSgt. Salon, Westover AFB; SMSgt Neher, Plattsburgh AFB; SMSgt. Leonard, Pease AFB; SMSgt Hufford, Westover APB; SMSgt Wester, Ernest Harmon AFB; MSgt. Streeter, Seymore Johnson APB; SMSgt Martin, Westover AFB. MSgt. Lathrop, Dow AFB; SMSgt. Mayer, Homestead AFB; SMSgt. Sloan, Kindley AFB, SMSgt Boderhammer, SAC HQ Captain Wilkinson, Advisor from Westover AFB (photographs of all men are present).
-- The annual meeting of the Maine Library Association was held recently in Bangor. At the end of the annual meeting last Friday there. was an open house and tea at the Dow Library. The base provided transportation from the meeting site to the library and return. Pictured above are (l to r) Miss Hazelton, Maine State Librarian; Mrs. Alvin Thiessen, wife of Chief of Reference Service UN; Mr. John McKenna, Librarian, Colby College; Miss Elinor Ferguson, Executive Secretary of Public Library Association, Division of ALA; Mrs. Marian Stubbs, retired Maine State Librarian; Miss Priscilla Dodge, Dow AFB Librarian (photograph).
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Dow Air Base Personnel
Bangor Maine
Bangor Maine, Dow Air Base, Bangor Maine Air Refueling Wing
Recommended Citation
Dow Air Base Personnel, "October 2, 1959" (1959). The Tanker Times. 28.