"October 30, 1959" by Dow Air Base Personnel



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-- Deputy Wing Commander Colonel Lawson C. Horner, Jr., cuts the ribbon to indicate that Dow's new half million dollar gymnasium is officially open. Standing by are (far left) Major Phillip N. Blanchard, assistant director for Services, Miss Olaire Rangow, Service Club Director (second from right) and Mr. Manual Ferris, Recreation Director (far right). Standing in the background are several Dow airmen waiting to enter the new gym on opening day (photograph).

-- Screen star Joan Crawford arrived in Bangor last week to participate in the opening of a beverage plant in Brewer Miss Crawford is a director of the beverage company and is known in the company as "the hostess with the mostess" (photograph).

-- MSgt. Arnold Heldt, acting Family Services Officer for Dow was recently reunited with his 17-year-old son, Butch, after having not seen each other for more than 13 years. After basic training in Texas, Butch came all the way across country from Washington state to Maine by bus for this reunion with his dad. Butch will be stationed here at Dow. They are the only father-son Air Force family on this base (photograph).

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Dow Air Base Personnel


Bangor, Maine


Bangor Maine, Dow Air Base, Bangor Maine Air Refueling Wing

October 30, 1959
