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-- Another member of the Dow chapter of the SAC Aero club to recenclv fly solo was Mrs Ann Mllls. Mrs. Mills is the wife of 1st Lt. Leo T. Mills, an Aircraft Commander with the 71st Refueling Squadron (includes picture).
-- Fire station personnel who successfully completed their High School GED tests surround TSgt. Newell Hersey (back row, third from left) education NCO for the 4060th Installations Sq. Pictured are, back row (left to right): A/3C Robert Staley, A/2C Junior Patton, A/3C Curtis Peterson. Front row (left to right) SSgt. Frank Walters, A/2C James Johnson, A/2C Patric Kartes and A/ C William Rankin (includes photograph).
-- Six Dowmen reenlisted. These were: James R. Thrower, Edward C. Niedorowski, William S. Haney, Ezra W. Dougherty, James Eskdale, and Richard A. Petrie.
Publication Date
Dow Air Base Personnel
Bangor, Maine
Bangor Maine, Dow Air Base, Bangor Maine Air Refueling Wing
Recommended Citation
Dow Air Base Personnel, "October 9, 1959" (1959). The Tanker Times. 40.