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-- Upon arrival at Dow last week the first F-101 Voodoo was given a warm welcome by Miss Suzanne M. Jones, who has been selected Miss Voodoo for the 75th FIS. The aircraft, which is the first supersonic plane to be stationed in Maine, was flown to Dow from St. Louis, Mo., by Major James S. Simon, left, Operations Officer of the 75th and Capt. James R. Turpen, Detachment Commander (includes photograph).
-- Dow's Personnel section received their first IBM machines recently. Here, SSgt. J. Roger D. Theriault, NCIIC of the Machine Shop, is seen using the printing card punch machine. This new machine saves time, money and is more efficient for posting of records (photograph).
-- A bicycle parade was held last week on the playground of Dow's Youth Center. Joseph Caouette, left, took first prize, David Beaver, center, second, and Sharon Fitzpatrick third. This is only one of the many events that go on throughout the week at the Youth Center playground for the youngsters at Dow (photograph).
Publication Date
Dow Air Base Personnel
Bangor Maine
Bangor Maine, Dow Air Base, Bangor Maine Air Refueling Wing
Recommended Citation
Dow Air Base Personnel, "July 9, 1959" (1959). The Tanker Times. 22.