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-- Discussing plans for the reorganization of Dow under the new deputy commanders concept this week were left to right, Lt. Col. Robert C. Householder, Major Arthur Nikas, Lt. Col. James R. Curran, and Col. William G. Ivey all of Eighth Air Force except Col. Curran who is one of Dow's project officers for the reorganization. Col. Ivey, who is head of the assistant reorganization team, arrived at Dow with his crew Monday. The new setup is scheduled to be completed July l (includes photograph).
-- Captain James R. Turpen has been assigned as Detachment Commander of the 75th Fighter Interceptor Squadron now arriving at Dow AFB (photograph).
-- Recognition was recently given to A/ 2C Salvador Domingues, 4060th Installations Sq. when he was selected as squadron Airman of the Month for April. In addition to the plaque shown here being presented by 1st. Lt. Thomas W. Aselton, Sq. Commander, Airman Dominguez will receive a three day vacation at Dow Pines for himself and his family. The cabin fee will be paid out of the squadron fund (photograph).
-- Lee Bemis and Everett Poll of Dow AFB pose with their soap box racer he intends to enter in tomorrow's state wide competition in Brewer. This is the 12th annual Bangor Daily News-Chevrolet Soap Box Derby and the winner in this contest will go to Akron to compete in the nation wide contest. A total of 375 boys are entered in the races (photograph).
Publication Date
Dow Air Base Personnel
Bangor Maine
Bangor Maine, Dow Air Base, Bangor Maine Air Refueling Wing
Recommended Citation
Dow Air Base Personnel, "June 12, 1959" (1959). The Tanker Times. 15.