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-- OJT pays off big for men in Personnel Section at Dow. All the men pictured here passed AFSC test 73250 after successfully completing OJT in this skill level. Shown (left to right) are A/3C Leonard Bach, A/ 3C 5 Harry Asato, A 12C Howard Williams, A/ 3C Ronald S. Danylchuk, A/ 20 Andrew M. Onderko, A/ 3C Larry Burton, SSgt. Raymond Kennison and A/ 3C William M. Berry. Highest score was made SSgt. Kennison, who scored 146. Airman Basic Timothy Wright also took the test and passed but was not available for this photograph (includes photograph).
-- Distinctive new patches for 75th FIS. Shown are (top) official squadron insignia of the Flying Tigers of Dow, (center) Voodoo Scope Wizzard and Voodoo One-A-Wonder, radar intercept and pilot insignia, (bottom) Voodoo Medicine Man for mechanics and ground personnel who keep the F-101R's ready for instant action. The new patches are worn to set 75th crew members apart and to promote esprit within the squadron (photograph).
-- NCO wives who took part in the recent Sew and Show fashion show held during a newcomers' coffee. The girls made the dress they wore during the show. Pictured (l to r are) front row, Barbara Morey, Betty Shimp, Alice Reynolds, Florence Koss. Back row, Judy Consul, Nancy Fuller, Emily Maxwell and Marie Cully (photograph).
Publication Date
Dow Air Base Personnel
Bangor, Maine
Bangor Maine, Dow Air Base, Bangor Maine Air Refueling Wing
Recommended Citation
Dow Air Base Personnel, "July 31, 1959" (1959). The Tanker Times. 19.