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-- The Thunderbirds, the official USAF supersonic precision flying team, announced as performing at Dow in a few days
-- Members of the Dow AFB Color Guard who will lead the Downeast Air Fair parade this coming Saturday in downtown Bangor. Left to right members are, A/ 10 Docite Michard, SSgt. Fredric Snowman, SSgt. George Snyder, and A/3C Robert Ortlieb. The parade will assemble on Broadway Boulevard and proceed down State Street hill, right to Post Office Square, left on Central Street, cross Hammond Street to Main Street, by the reviewing stand at, junction of Broad and Main Streets, continue up Main Street to disbanding area. The parade will be one of the features of the Dow Downeast Air Fair being held in conj unction with the Bangor's 125th birthday celebration (includes photograph)
-- Pasting a decalon a bike after having taught a two-hour course on bicycle safety last Saturday is Robert A. Gagne of the Base Safety Office. Kids who took the course were left to right, John Blanchard, Frank Thrower, Donald Carigan, Robert Needham, Thomas Knowles, Steve Cook. Donald Donneau, and in the center is Terry Knowles. Some of the subjects covered during the course were bike ridng on city streets. bicycle safety hazards to look for and the importance of only one boy or girl to a bike. Before completion of the course the class had to maneuver a bicycle through an obstacle course and the bikes had to be inspected for sound steering devices and good brakes. Mr. Gagne announced that another course of this type would be held immediately after school was out (includes photograph)
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Dow Air Base Personnel
Bangor Maine
Bangor Maine, Dow Air Base, Bangor Maine Air Refueling Wing
Recommended Citation
Dow Air Base Personnel, "May 22, 1959" (1959). The Tanker Times. 1.