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-- Dow Air Force Base held an open house May 21-24; the public was able to visit exhibits and various aircraft around the base
-- birth announcements for Dow personnel include a son to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCumber, a daughter to Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Gross, a daughter to Mr. & Mrs. Donald Scolari, a daughter to Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Geiger, a daughter to Mr. & Mrs. Gerald King, and a son to Mr. & Mrs. John Krim
-- Trophy winners in the recently completed Officers Wives Club Bowling League. Pictured are Mrs. Julian Parker, Most Improved Bowler; Mrs. John Coleman, High Series; Mrs. George E. Calloway, High Average and Mrs. Lowell Corkey, High Individual Game. The OWC Bowling League will be re-formed next September at the start of the bowling season.. New Dow officers wives who are interested in bowling in the league should contact Mrs. Herbert Haesecke, chairman, OWC Bowling League (includes photograph)
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Dow Air Base Personnel
Bangor Maine
Bangor Maine, Dow Air Base, Bangor Maine Air Refueling Wing
Recommended Citation
Dow Air Base Personnel, "May 15, 1959" (1959). The Tanker Times. 2.