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-- About 50,000 civilians visited Dow during the four-day Downeast Air Fair (many photographs).
-- Dow Downeast Air Fair was the class "C" horse show held on base. Here Mrs. Gordon Briggs (L) an entrant in the show, talks informally with Senator Margaret Chase Smith, center, (R-Maine) and Colonel George W R. Zethren, Dow's Wing Commander. Even though the weather was poor with rain most of the day, many spectators remained until the closing events (included photograph).
-- New Cessnas purchased this week by the SAC Aero Club at Dow finds Lt. Col. William A. Crawford, Base Commander, being checked out by the club president 1st Lt. Frank J. Almeter. In addition to the T-34 the Dow club purchased two new Cessna 172's and a Cessna 150, thus building their fleet up to an all time high of four aircraft (includes photograph).
-- Mr. Cornelius Sullivan, President of Sullivan's Ford Sales in Bangor, presents four keys to Maj or Robert S. Fitzgerald, leader of the Air Force's precision flying team, The Thunderbirds. These keys fitted a Ford Thunderbird and three Galaxies loaned to the Thunderbirds for personal transportation during their stay at Dow. Looking on in the background are other members of the Thunderbirds (includes photograph).
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Dow Air Base Personnel
Bangor Maine
Bangor Maine, Dow Air Base, Bangor Maine Air Refueling Wing
Recommended Citation
Dow Air Base Personnel, "May 29, 1959" (1959). The Tanker Times. 17.