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-- Dow Catholic Chaplain 1st Lt. William J. Campbell is shown flanked by the new and old officers in the Catholic Rosary society. The officers were installed during a meeting on April 3. The officers are left to right, Mrs. Rita Thrower, vice president, Mrs. Vera Viall, president, Mrs. Dot Grant, secretary-treasurer. Outgoing officers are left to right, Mrs. Marianne Zawadski, vice president, Mrs. Ursula O'Brian, secretary-treasurer and Mrs. Lorraine Curran, president (includes photograph)
-- Dow's Wing Commander, presents Airman, second class Rufus L. Knowles, 4060th FMS with Maintenance Man of the Month Award for the month of March. Airman Knowles received a pen desk set and a certificate from the Commander (includes photograph)
-- Four of the new station wagons recently received at the Dow motor pool are shown. These 1959 models will go to the Alert Forces at Dow and the ones in use now by the Alert Forces will be turned over to the motor pool for use as base taxis.
Publication Date
Dow Air Base Personnel
Bangor Maine
Bangor Maine, Dow Air Base, Bangor Maine Air Refueling Wing
Recommended Citation
Dow Air Base Personnel, "April 10, 1959" (1959). The Tanker Times. 7.