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-- Three elements of the team that brought Hall of Fame flying safety honors to the 4060th Air Refueling Wing for the third time are represented in this flight line inspection of a nose wheel. Left to right are Maj. Herbert L Haesecke, president of the wing standardization board; MSgt. Joseph W. Szarejko, engineer who flies with the 7lst ARS stanboard crew; and Capt. Lewis W. Stone of the wing safety office (includes photograph)
-- Airman Third Class Roy E. Seymore, "A" Flight Oentral Security looks over the flight line pass of 1st Lt. Lynn Gleason, son of Lt. and Mrs. Glenn T. Gleason, 71st ARS. It's just the 7ist's way of reminding us that it's time to get those summer uniforms ready for the changeover in June. Optional Period of summer garb is May 15 through May 31. Mandatory period starts June 1. (includes photograph)
-- Page Four features many photographs of the Installation Squadron's work on base; base personnel pictured are Patrick Herr, Cornelius P. Moe, Frank Southern, Robert J. Neville, Joseph Biscula, Francis Wood, Salvador Dominquez, Gary Dash, and Robert A. Feuer
Publication Date
Dow Air Base Personnel
Bangor Maine
Bangor Maine, Dow Air Base, Bangor Maine Air Refueling Wing
Recommended Citation
Dow Air Base Personnel, "April 17, 1959" (1959). The Tanker Times. 6.