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-- Members of the OJT Administrator Course which graduated last Friday. The classes are conducted by TSgt. Kenneth Balsley, OJT Adntinistrator Supervisor with ATC. A class is graduated every two weeks. Members of this class are (left to right) front row: TSgt. Balsley, instructor, A/1c Ronald Jodon, Kenneth Tauriainen, A/1c William Heffelfinger, SSgt. Joseph Dostie, SSgt. Kenneth Tate, Lt. Guy Bentivenga, presenting officer. Back row (left to right): SSgt. Wayne Jones, SSgt. Ronert McCarthy, TSgt. Archie Fairbrother, MSgt. Joseph Leonard, SSgt. Howard Heino, MSgt. Norbert Warren (photograph)
-- A/2c Norman S. Saue selects correct aperture opening for his lens and determines proper focus prior to taking picture of a damaged aircraft part (photograph).
-- A/2c Gene Comeau 4060th Transportation Squadron broke the ice for the squadron's hunters last week by bagging this 150 pound deer. He used a 30-30 rifle and downed his deer in Hampden Maine (photograph).
Publication Date
Dow Air Base Personnel
Bangor, Maine
Bangor Maine, Dow Air Base, Bangor Maine Air Refueling Wing
Recommended Citation
Dow Air Base Personnel, "November 13, 1959" (1959). The Tanker Times. 35.