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-- Friday, November 20th would have marked the 46th birthday of Lt. James Fredrick Dow, the Air Force officer for whom this base was named . Born in Oakfield, Maine, in 1913 James Dow was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Dow. His father was then superintendent of the Northem Division of the Bangor and Aroostook railroad. Lt. Dow lost his life when two Army Air Force bombers collided a half mile above Queens borough. New York. All 11 men aboard the two planes were killed. This base was named for Lt. James Dow on January 23, 1942 by the US Army Air Corps (photograph of Lt. Dow).
-- The Dow Taxi Fleet which for the second consecutive month has exceeded the criteria for 100% in the SAC MCS analysis. Directed by SSgt. Maurice Martin and A/2C Larry Burns, the fleet recorded 6,959 taxi runs during October, 1,000 more than is required. At the same time the driver incentive award went to A/2C Terry Rugan for 944 runs while A/2C Gerald Gllver was runner-up with 941 (pretty amazing photograph).
-- Mrs. Betty M. Cabeen, wife of MSgt. Richard Cabeen, right, Boom Operator on a KC-97 aircraft of the 34lst ARS is checked out on the operation of the boom by her husband. This all occurred last Friday when the wives of the 341st took over their husbands' jobs for one afternoon to better understand their jobs as well as the SAC and AF mission (another great photograph).
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Dow Air Base Personnel
Bangor, Maine
Bangor Maine, Dow Air Base, Bangor Maine Air Refueling Wing
Recommended Citation
Dow Air Base Personnel, "November 20, 1959" (1959). The Tanker Times. 34.