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"The story of the Bangor Hydro-Electric Company is more than an account of a successful enterprise. In its growth and development is reflected the history of a vigorous and changing world. It is the story of the State of Maine at the threshold of the Twentieth Century, at a time when the slow march towards industrial consolidation had become a rush. Furthermore it is a story of the men who pioneered and visualized this changing world. And among the pioneers in the Electrical Industry in the early part of the Century, John R. Graham played a most active role. He played this role, moreover, when he was no longer a young man. Approaching middle age, the founder of a lucrative and still flourishing shoe manufacturing business, Graham turned to the young world of rapid transit and electrical power -- a world in which he was to achieve outstanding accomplishment."
Edward M. Graham
This work provides a great overview and biography of John R. Graham, an innovator of and eventual president of the Bangor Railway and Electric Company, which would become the Bangor Hydro-Electric Company.
Edward M. Graham, son of John, later became president of the company as well. Edward presented these words at the 1950 Maine Luncheon of the Newcomen Society of New England, held at the Penobscot Valley Country Club in Bangor, Maine, on September 28, 1950.
Publication Date
Bangor Hydro-Electric Company, Newcomen Socity of North America
Bangor, Maine
Bangor Hydro Electric Company, Electric Power History Maine, John R. Graham, Edward M. Graham
Recommended Citation
Bangor Hydro-Electric Company and Graham, Edward M., "John R. Graham and the Bangor Railway and Electric Company" (1950). Bangor Hydro Electric News. 62.

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