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Opening Paragraphs:
"The Bangor Hydro-Electric Co has recently completed the installation of the first regenerative type of gas turbine unit to go into central station service in this country. Operation of the unit was begun on Oct. 30, 1950.
Increased over-all efficiency is expected from the installation in comparison with non-regenerative equipment. This is due to utilization of a substantial part of the residual heat in the turbine exhaust to preheat the compressed air before it enters the combustion chambers."
Article written by Paul F. Kruse, who was the Chief Engineer of the Bangor Hydro-Electric Company. Article is reprinted from the January 1, 1951, issue of Electrical World, produced by General Electric Company.
Publication Date
Bangor Hydro-Electric Company, General Electric Company
Bangor, Maine
Bangor Hydro Electric Company, Electric Power History Maine, Paul F. Kruse, regenerative gas turbine
Recommended Citation
Bangor Hydro-Electric Company and Kruse, Paul F., "Bangor Hydro-Electric Company Regenerative Type Gas Turbine Installed" (1951). Bangor Hydro Electric News. 61.

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