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Photographs of electricity poles taken by the Bangor Hydro Electric Company from August to October 1934. Communities included are Hampden, Howland, Hancock, Jonesboro, Jonesport, Lamoine, Lincoln, Machias, Machiasport, Marshfield, Mattawamkeag, Medway, Milford, Milbridge, Millinocket, Mount Desert, Old Town, Orono, Orrington, Passadumkeag, Pembroke, Perry, Sedgwick, Sorrento, Southwest Harbor, Sullivan, Steuben, Surry, Tremont, Trenton, Veazie, Whiting, Whitneyville, Winn, Winterport, Winter Harbor, and Winterport. The photographs do not provide specific addresses; those familiar with these towns, though, will likely recognize past or current local landmarks, homes, and businesses. Cover image, for example, shows the Old Town Canoe Company factory in Old Town.
Publication Date
Bangor Hydro-Electric Company
Bangor, Maine
Bangor Hydro Electric Company, Electric Power History Maine, Bangor Hydro Electric Company Photographs
Recommended Citation
Bangor Hydro Electric Company, "Bangor Hydro Electric Company: Transition System Book 4" (1934). Bangor Hydro Line Work. 2.

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