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Photographs of electricity poles taken by the Bangor Hydro Electric Company from July to October 1934. Communities included are Bangor, Bar Harbor, Blue Hill, Bradford, Bradley, Brewer, Brooksville, Bucksport, Charleston, Cherryfield, Chester, Dedham, Dennysville, Eastbrook, East Machias, East Millinocket, Eastport, Eddington, Eden (Otter Cliff), Edmunds, Ellsworth, Enfield, Exeter, Franklin, Garland, Gouldsboro, Greenbush, and Holden. Specific street addresses are not provided; those familiar with the communities, however, are likely to be able to recognize many local landmarks, homes, or businesses. The cover image shows two gentlemen on an upsloping street on Bangor's east side.
Publication Date
Bangor Hydro-Electric Company
Bangor, Maine
Bangor Hydro Electric Company, Bangor Hydro Electric Company Photographs, Electric Power History Maine
Recommended Citation
Bangor Hydro Electric Company, "Bangor Hydro Electric Company: Transition System Book 3" (1934). Bangor Hydro Line Work. 1.

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