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-- A/lC Joseph Brochu rears up to his full five feet height to chat with A/20 Eldon Kramer, husky six foot six incher. Joe is receptionist at the personnel building while airman Kramer is Wing Historian. Just goes to show that short or tall, they're both doing a "King Size" job for the United States Air Force. (Ed note: Kramer says he's not the tallest man on the base) (photograph included).
-- The back to school fashion show was held at the Officers Wives Club. Pictured are Valerie Susnow assisted by mother Edie. The show will be held at the Officers' Club on August 23 just prior to the regular Sunday evening buffet. Admission is $1.00 for adults, children free. Children's fashions are by Standard Youth Center in Bangor (photograph).
-- The Eighth Air Force Noncommissioned Officers Academy held its graduation Saturday. morning, August 8, 1959, in the Base theater at Westover Air Force Base, Massachusetts. Graduating from Dow were MSgt. Albert E. Baxter, Supply Sq.; MSgt. Frank P. Greene, 7lst ARS: MSgt. Steve McKinney, Jr., Operations Sq.; and MSgt. Robert Q. WheeIer, Field Maintenance Squadron.
Publication Date
Dow Field Personnel
Bangor Maine
Bangor Maine, Dow Air Base, Bangor Maine Air Refueling Wing
Recommended Citation
Dow Air Base Personnel, "August 14, 1959" (1959). The Tanker Times. 27.