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-- A/2c Raymond A. Lavigne of the 75th FIS is praised for his quick actions on the scene of a car accident on Outer Hammond Street in Bangor (includes photograph of Mr. Lavigne).
-- Lieutenant David F. Leas, a navigator in the 71st, tore-up the past mark in the shuttle run by posting a remarkable 41 seconds for the 270 yard run conducted in the Base Gym (photograph of Mr. Leas).
-- Page One and Two include more details about the application and move-in process for the Capehart apartment units. Includes drawings of various officer quarters at Capehart.
-- TSgt. Hermit F . Edmunds of Transportation Squadron signs up as the l000th member of the Dow Federal Credit Union (Mr. Edmunds pictured).
-- Excellent planning and crew coordination enabled the "Four F's" and Lt. Robert Bennett of the 341st ARS to set a new ground refueling record time for the KC-97. The crew, T-30, was one of the many participating in a combat efficiency test conducted out of Ernest Harmon AFB, early in August. Shown standing (l to r) Lt. Josenp Frobisher, navigator. Lt. Robert Furry, pilot, and Lt. Bennett, Aircraft Commander. Kneeling (l tor) A/10 Arvil Frazier, boom operator, and TSgt. Robert Fangman, Engineer. Other crew members not shown are Lt. John Drobat, instructor navigator and Lt. Leighton Mishou, co-pilot (photograph of the crew).
Publication Date
Dow Air Base Personnel
Bangor Maine
Bangor Maine, Dow Air Base, Bangor Maine Air Refueling Wing, Capehart neighborhood Bangor Maine
Recommended Citation
Dow Air Base Personnel, "September 4, 1959" (1959). The Tanker Times. 24.