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-- Cover Story: The era of Capehart housing comes into being here on July 1 as nearly 200 Dowmen and their families move into the first increment of the 530-unit development. Applications are now being accepted at the Base Housing Office. In announcing the availability of the first units, Lt. Col. William A. Crawford, Base Commander, also outlined the procedure which will be used in assigning the quarters to eligible personnel. "Selections of personnel, officers and airmen, will be made on a rank and date of rank basis," Colonel Crawford said. All officers, warrant officers. NCOs and AlC with seven or more years service may apply."
-- There is another Capehart story on page 11.
-- Double Honors were recently awarded to the crew of Captain Herman Piner, 71st ARS. The crew was named Crew of the Month and at the same time upgraded to Combat Ready status. Crew members are (pictured left to right) Capt. Piner, AC, 1st. Lt. David T. Gruman, Pilot, 2nd Lt. Edward E. Reynolds, Navigator, TSgt. Robert P. Stuber, Engineer and TSgt. Harvey N. Rutherford, Boom operator (includes photograph).
-- Ann Caroll, Nell Walker and Sue Jones, the three Presidential Candidates in the Officers' Wives' Club elections scheduled for June 7th during an election luncheon to be held at the Officers' Club. Installation of the new officers will take place on June 16th and offices will be held for a period of six months (includes photograph).
Publication Date
Dow Air Base Personnel
Bangor Maine
Bangor Maine, Dow Air Base, Bangor Maine Air Refueling Wing, Capehart neighborhood Bangor Maine
Recommended Citation
Dow Air Base Personnel, "June 5, 1959" (1959). The Tanker Times. 16.