Bangor Images

The intersections of Main and Hammond Streets in downtown Bangor, Maine, circa 1945.
Business visible with a zoom-in and included in the 1945 Bangor City Directory include:
Merrill Trust Co. at 2 Hammond Street.
Buckley Drug Co. at 16 Hammond.
D. Braidy Co. at 14 Hammond. David Braidy, a clothier.
Carroll's Cut Rate Perfumer at 28 Hammond. Samuel R. Lieberman proprietor.
D. Goldberg the Tailor. David Goldberg 7 Hammond.
Corey's Bangor Billiard Hall. Also at 7 Hammond. Richard A. Corey proprietor.
Liggett Drug Co. at 1 Main Street. Charles W. Freeman manager.
Paul's Beauty Salon at 7 Main Street. Herman T. Lewis proprietor, Helen C. Braverman manager.
Smart & Thrifty Dress Shop at 9 Main Street. Stella M. Sirabella manager.
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