Bangor Images

Circa Date
circa 1903-1905
The very busy intersection of Main Street, Hammond Street, and Central Street in Bangor, Maine circa 1903-1905. Narrowing into this date range possible by consulting Bangor city directories. Fox & Adams Wholesale and Retail Confectioners had moved to Exchange Street by 1905. Allan P. Trask / Watches, Clocks, Jewelry first appeared at this location on Main Street in the 1905 directory. It is possible Trask's moved into this location in 1903 after the city directory for that year had been published.
Photograph well-worth zooming in. A woman sits an umbrella in an open window above "Confectionery Manufactory." The tower of Bangor City Hall on Columbia Street looms above this woman. Bangor Street Railway cars #55 and #37 can be identified.
Businesses shown in photograph are:
Fox & Adams at 27 Main Street. Proprietors Elmer R. Fox and Edward C. Adams.
E.J. Davis & Co., Boots, Shoes & Rubbers at 23 Main Street. Edwin J. Davis owner.
Allan P. Trask, jeweler, at 21 Main Street.
Standard Clothing Co. (store has cow on board above street) at 11 Main Street. John F. Crowley, manager.
Ramsdell Studio at 3 Main Street. Emily I. Ramsdell, photographer.
Lyford & Woodward, sellers of hats, furs, etc., at 31-33 Hammond Street. Thornton Lyford and Charles E. Woodward, proprietors.
Edward Conners: not listed in directories.
Adolf Pfaff, watchmaker and jeweler at 25 Hammond Street.
Main Street Bangor Maine, Hammond Street Bangor Maine, Central Street Bangor Maine, Bangor City Hall, Samuel F. Hersey Memorial Building Bangor Maine
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Main Street Bangor Maine, Hammond Street Bangor Maine, Central Street Bangor Maine, Bangor City Hall, Samuel F. Hersey Memorial Building Bangor Maine
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