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Plans were developed during 1962 for the complete renovation of the downtown area through Urban Renewal where it appears that the city could execute a five million dollar project at no additional cost to the city (since its share would be made up of the Kenduskeag Stream Parking Project already nearing completion).
A considerable amount of new highway construction was completed in the city during 1962. This included Washington and Hancock Streets, the reconstruction of the Church Road and the Hogan Road, the reconstruction of another section of Harlow Street, the reconstruction of the intersections at Broadway and Center Street, and Broadway and Somerset Street for improved traffic flow, and the construction of $25,000 worth of sidewalks.
Also there was a considerable amount of state and federal highway construction in the city, with the Capehart area $400,000 project started in the summer of 1962, as well as the reconstruction of a section of Hogan Road from Mt. Hope A venue to State Street. Engineering work began on the relocation of Route 1A, and the improvement of the Bangor end of the old Bangor-Brewer Bridge.
Publication Date
City of Bangor, Maine
Bangor, Maine
Bangor Maine, history of Bangor Maine, government of Bangor Maine
Recommended Citation
City of Bangor, Maine, "Annual Report, Bangor, Maine: 1962" (1962). City of Bangor Annual Reports. 9.

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