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A Council Chairman is the leader selected by the City Council membership at the beginning of the Council year. He directs its regular and special meetings, officiates at formal occasions and represents the city in other ways as its mayor. It is an honor and one to which any Bangor citizen can aspire.
As a Bangor native, it is with pride that I represented your City in 1961. As one becomes better acquainted with the Oueen City and its workings, he gains more pride in it. Most of its 32.9 square miles have seen changes in the year and many more are now in the building stages. As elected officials, your councillors are charged with the responsibility of seeing that these changes are always toward the objective of a better Bangor.
Most changes, however, are disruptive in one way or another. But, just as grandfather hates to have the location of his favorite chair moved, so we know that a "status quo" would be much preferred by some. Yet when the changes have been made and the strangeness wears off, it quickly becomes evident that there was a need for the change and it does look better and is an improvement. So it is with Bangor. The times are taking us forward whether all of us relish it or not.
Carl E. Delano, Council Chairman
Publication Date
City of Bangor, Maine
Bangor, Maine
Bangor Maine, history of Bangor Maine, government of Bangor Maine
Recommended Citation
City of Bangor, Maine, "Annual Report, Bangor, Maine: 1961" (1961). City of Bangor Annual Reports. 10.

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