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During 1949 various improvements were made in civic operations andl services but there are still many more improvements left as a future challenge to all of us that we know are needed in order to see our city grow.
In 1949 plans were made for future school building; new facilities were provided for both study and recreation. The next step in the Wilson report was taken when employment of architects to start the new school project for the West side was authorized but we still have unanswered the need for an expanded school budget that will give an amount sufficient for adequate maintenance and a budget that will enable Bangor to be competitive in the procurement of school teachers.
During 1949 improvements were made to our existing sewer system and additional new sewer lines constructed. But here again we still have areas that need improvement and also areas with no service. We also have not answered the request of many of our people for water service in our outlying districts.
These problems cannot be answered in any one year but rather call gor long range planning.
We also recognized in 1949 that we must make further study in the problem of financing a municipal auditorium and steps were made in this direction by the formation of a committee to engage in such a study.
We trust that you feel the year was brought to a successful close as indicated by a substantial cash surplus and by the improvements and the services which were given. The success of operation is due entirely to each employee of the City of Bangor and to each member of the various committees who have given utmost of their cooperation lo help make the successful year.
Many photographs add to the story of 1949 Bangor. Page 55 includes a picture of the Thomas Hill Standpipe being restored to pre-World War II white.
Publication Date
City of Bangor, Maine
Bangor, Maine
Bangor Maine, history of Bangor Maine, government of Bangor Maine
Recommended Citation
City of Bangor, Maine, "Annual Report, Bangor, Maine: 1949" (1949). City of Bangor Annual Reports. 7.

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