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Public Works Highlights of 1950:
The construction at Bass Park of the new reinforced concrete grandstand with a structural steel frame roof is probably the outstanding project of the year. The plans, specifications, and contract forms were prepared by the department. The grandstand was completed in time for the Bangor Fair.
In addition to preparing the plans for the grandstand, the engineering division also established street lines and prepared plans for five new streets. Plans were prepared for a dental clinic at the Pine Street School and a fire station at Lane and Allen Streets. The construction of the dental clinic by a private contractor has been completed, but the City Council rejected the bids for construction of the fire station.
The highway division carried on an extensive program of street paving. Two sections of Main Street, totaling 4,320 feet, were resurfaced with hot asphalt. With the completion of this work, the entire surface of Main Street has been covered with a modern type paving. Hot asphalt. paving was also placed on Pine and Hancock Streets.
New construction of city streets was completed on Middle and Columbia Streets and a length of Doane Street.
An extensive tarring program was carried out during 1950, with the result that nearly every street in the city was treated. A total of 275,365 gallons of tar was applied.
Publication Date
City of Bangor, Maine
Bangor, Maine
Bangor Maine, history of Bangor Maine, government of Bangor Maine
Recommended Citation
City of Bangor, Maine, "Annual Report, Bangor, Maine: 1950" (1950). City of Bangor Annual Reports. 6.

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