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For many years past, each summer has seen an agricultural fair at Bass Park, and Bangor Fair has become an institution in this section. In 1942, the Fair Association, in the interest of the war effort and at the request of the City Council, suspended the operation of the Fair. In the past, Bangor Fair has been operated at the park under the terms or the lease between the old Bangor Fair Association, and the original owner of the park, Mr. Joseph P. Bass, the lease expiring in January, 1943. In the early part of 1944, the officials of the old Bangor Fair Association evidenced no interest in the renewal of their lease, and the Council authorized a new lease with J.R. Cianchette granting him the privilege of using Bass Park for a definite period each year for the purpose of conducting an agricultural fair which could include a program of light harness racing.
Publication Date
City of Bangor, Maine
Bangor, Maine
Bangor Maine, history of Bangor Maine, government of Bangor Maine
Recommended Citation
City of Bangor, Maine, "Annual Report, Bangor, Maine: 1944" (1944). City of Bangor Annual Reports. 20.

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