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The great war and its demands on manpower and materials has influenced the operation of your city to the same extent that it has controlled the policies of other corporate bodies. We have not found it possible, due to these shortages, to carry out our normal peacetime program and, as a result, we are rapidly accumulating a list of deferred maintenance work which will be taken care of when men and materials are again available.
It is the established policy of the city to defer all maintenance work that can, with safety, be delayed until after the war. In pursuing this policy, we are not making further demands on an already limited labor market, nor are we using materials that are badly needed in the furtherance of the war effort. However, what is most important because of this deferred maintenance we are building a work program that will furnish employment to many of the men who will most certainly return to this city when the war is over, and who, by virtue of their service to their country, have every right to expect gainful employment.
Publication Date
City of Bangor, Maine
Bangor, Maine
Bangor Maine, history of Bangor Maine, government of Bangor Maine
Recommended Citation
City of Bangor, Maine, "Annual Report, Bangor, Maine: 1943" (1943). City of Bangor Annual Reports. 19.

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