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When the last trolley car rolled through the streets of Portland, Maine, in May of 1941, it marked the end of more than three-quarters of a century of local public transit by rail in that important New England seaport. It was in 1863 that the Pine Tree State's first horsecar line began operation there -- to form the nucleus for what eventually became that state's second largest electric railway system -- the Portland Railroad Company.
This extensive network of urban and suburban lines, at its height, had 100 miles of track and owned about 200 passengers cars. From the center of Portland, its routes radiated in all directions into the surrounding countryside, to connect the city with the neighboring communities of South Portland, Cape Elizabeth, Westbrook, South Windham, Gorham, Falmouth, Cumberland and Scarboro; extending southward to Old Orchard Beach and Saco, and running northward to conf'lect with the Lewiston, Augusta & Waterville Street Railway at Yarmouth.
Publication Date
Connecticut Valley Chapter, National Railway Historical Society Inc.
Warehouse Point, Connecticut
Street Railroads, Maine, Portland Railroad Company
Recommended Citation
Cummings, Osmond Richard, "Portland Railroad: Part I, historical development and operations" (1957). Books and Publications. 43.

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Published as Transportation, Volume 11, April 1957.
Contain many photographs, detailed route information, and color replications of transfers.