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The 1949 SALE of the 3-mile electric freight line between Sanford and Springvale, Maine, to the Sanford & Eastern Railroad by the York Utilities Company, and subsequent changeover to Diesel motive power, all but brings to an end the colorful history of the second largest of the Pine Tree State's four major electric railway systems -- the Atlantic Shore Line Railway -- known in its heyday as the "Sea View Route." The Sanford-Springvale line was the last remaining segment under trolley wire.
At its height, this extensive 90-mile network of cross-country trolley lines, operating largely over private right-of-way, extended from Kittery to Biddeford, serving York, York Beach, Ogunquit, Wells, Kennebunk, Kennebunkport and Cape Porpoise; it branched inland from Kennebunk to Sanford and Springvale, and connected both Kittery and York with Eliot and South Berwick (Maine) and Dover (New Hampshire), as well as operating the ferry service across the Piscataqua River between Kittery, Maine, and Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
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Connecticut Valley Chapter, National Railway Historical Society Inc.
Warehouse Point, Connecticut
Atlantic Shore Line Railroad, "The Sea View Route, " Mousam River Railroad, Sanford & Cape Porpoise Railroad, Portsmouth, Kittery & York Street Railway, Portsmouth, Dover & York Street Railway, Street-railroads, Trolley buses
Engineering | United States History
Recommended Citation
Cummings, Osmond Richard, "Atlantic Shore Line Railway: its predecessors and its successors" (1957). Books and Publications. 26.

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Appeared in Transportation, volume 4, June 1950. Re-issued January 1957.