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September 30, 1869:
The dawn of our Centennial Anniversary was announced by the ringing of bells, and soon after the streets and squares began to fill with people prepared to enjoy the long expected holiday. By railroads, steamers, stages, and other available conveyances, crowds of visitors came into the city lo join in the festivities of the day; the movements of those seeking favorable points for viewing the procession, of the different companies, schools, and societies, rnarching to the rendezvous appointed for its various divisions, the reception of companies from other towns, the music by the almost ubiquitous bands, the beautifully decorated buildings, and the flags waving everywhere in the bright sunlight, all together gave the place an unwonted air of rejoicing.
Publication Date
Benjamin A. Burr, Printers
Bangor, Maine
Bangor, Maine, centennial celebration, 100th anniversary, Bangor Maine history, Bangor Maine settlers, Bangor Maine industry
Recommended Citation
Bangor, Maine, "The Centennial Celebration of the Settlement of Bangor. September 30, 1869" (1870). Books and Publications. 195.

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Details the history of Bangor dating as earlier as 1524, including insightful histories of Bangor in the pre-colonial era and beyond.