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A collection of deeds and blueprints for the Bangor Railway & Electric Company in the Bangor area circa 1889 to 1918. Provides a one-of-a-kind look into lands abutting or becoming part of the railway or electrical aspects of the company.
References of pages and volumes pertain to the Penobscot Registry of Deeds.
Book is presented as is. We are not clear why -- while the pages are numbered 1 to 189 -- the book is not in chronological order. It is part of a large collection of Bangor Hydro Electric Company (Bangor Railway & Electric Company became Bangor Hydro) housed at Bangor Public Library which we continue to archive.
Publication Date
Bangor, Maine
Bangor Hydro Electric Company, Electric Power History Maine, Bangor Maine land ownership history, Veazie Maine land ownership history, Orono Maine land ownership history, Brewer Maine land ownership history, Penobscot Registry of Deeds
Recommended Citation
Bangor Hydro & Electric Company, "Bangor Railway & Electric Company Deeds (1889-1918)" (1918). Bangor Hydro Electric News. 66.

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