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"Such a panaramic picture brings to mind the inevitable comparison of today and yesterday. Of the advances made by civilization, from the time of that first Xmas illuminated by that brilliant star. From then until a comparatively few years ago, illuminated decoration was accomplished with wax candles. Hundreds of lives every year was the price exacted by sudden fires. Then the color scheme was a pale yellow shingin on green wreaths or glass ornaments. Now we get any effect that we desire by proper choice of colored light bulbs. The flexibility and safeness of electricity not only for Christmas lighting but as a household servant cannot be over-emphasized. And as yet we know comparitively little of what electricity can be made to do."
Publication Date
Bangor Hydro-Electric Company
Bangor, Maine
Bangor Hydro Electric Company, Electric Power History Maine
Recommended Citation
Bangor Hydro Electric Company, "Bangor Hydro Electric News: December 1937: Volume 6, No.12 -- Christmas Issue" (1937). Bangor Hydro Electric News. 33.

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