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"There is something more than just training and education and environment that makes one man a good engineer and another man a clever merchant; one woman an accomplished seamstress and the next a cook with a reputation. Same are "born" engineers, "born" merchants or "born" cooks.
Probably we all start thinking from the same point, the same zero hour or call it what you will. You think along one angle and I think along another, and, remember, there are 360 degrees on the compass. That doesn't mean that we have to think in opposite directions. It may be that we just don't quite see eye to eye.
All of which leads to the statement that without doubt 99.9 per cent of our customers think that the meters we install in their homes or places of business are such complicated pieces of mechanism that a man must have six or eight University or Technical Institution diplomas before he can look a meter in the face without going dizzy."
Publication Date
Bangor Hydro-Electric Company
Bangor, Maine
Bangor Hydro Electric Company, Employee Photographs, Electric Power History Maine
Recommended Citation
Bangor Hydro Electric Company, "Bangor Hydro Electric News: November 1938: Volume 8, No.11, Bangor Meter Department Issue" (1938). Bangor Hydro Electric News. 23.

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