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April 17, 1943 was officially activation day for the 303rd at Camp Crowder, Missouri. Shortly before that, Lt. Clyde Burch had herded a wild and wooly cadre crew northward from the 17th Sig. Opn. Bn., which was then on 2nd Army maneuvers in Tennessee. Officers then began to trickle in, more cadre men, and the inevitable lesson plans and course outlines started to take shape.
The bulk of the "fillers" arrived around the first of June, and training took hold with vigor, if not with a great deal of vim. Basic training, hikes, calisthenics (TC-87!) and rain, rain, rain occupied our days, always under the fierce scrutiny of Col. Rinaldo Coe who ruled the 2d Army detachment at Crowder with the aid of Capt. Cohen and an assorted staff,guaranteed to give trouble. Col. Coe was a real soldier, and though we groaned under him, later we were damned proud of our state of training. He was aided in his inspections by his dog, which the men fervently believed came up to inspect our training on his own, and then scampered back to report our deficiencies to his master.
Publication Date
United States Army, World War 1939-1945, Regimental histories, 303rd Signal OperationBattalion
Military History
Recommended Citation
United States Army, "303rd Signal Operation Battalion: an informal unofficial history, April 17, 1943 to February 25, 1946" (1946). Regimental Histories. 59.

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