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Opening paragraphs:
"In the spring of 1942 the Japanese were successfully over-running the Pacific, and their tentacles were reaching down to touch the Australian mainland with the threat of invasion. Their eyes were on the strategic base of Port Moresby, and the pitiful Allied forces charged with stemming this tide were in the unenviable position of defending Moresby against attacks by land, sea, and air
So in April 1942 the Grim Reapers received their baptism of fire and jungle, something that all of them had hoped for and feared since their designation to overseas duty. Powerful Japanese bases were springing up on the east New Guinea coast. Enemy ships plied the once peaceful seas among the southern archipelagos, transporting men and equipment with impunity to the swelling Japanese camps on the beaches of New Guinea. All knew that the time was at hand when the enemy must be stopped or supreme sacrifices made.
Produced in New Guinea by Lt. Col. Charles P. Martin, Capt. Frederick L. Newmeyer, Jr., Capt. Edward Mandell and T/Sgt. Harold A. Larsen.
Grateful appreciation to Col. Richard· H. Ellis for his sponsorship, to Capt. Robert Spieth and Group Photography for outstanding camera work, to the late Lt. Kenneth W. Lindsay, to Sgt. Peter Catizone, Cpl. Frank G. Farina and Cpl. George H. Dernoeden for their excellent art work and cartooning and to Maj. Ivan P. Head for his combat information.
Publication Date
3rd Bombardment Group, 3rd Bombardment Group (Light), United States Air Force, World War 1939-1945, Regimental histories, Grim Reapers
Military History | United States History
Recommended Citation
United States Air Force, "The Reaper's Harvest: The Story of the Third Attack Group" (1945). Regimental Histories. 224.