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The history of our regiment has been written in this book long after the fighting ceased. It does not tell the complete story. A book many times its thickness could not do that. The story of the Falcon Regiment is written on the fields, the valleys, the hills and the forests of France and Germany with the blood of the dead and wounded, and the sweat of those who lived. The history is complete in detail and will linger on as fear in the mind of Germany and as gratitude in the heart of America forever.
In deeds, not words, is the history of tlle 314th Infantry written. We are proud of the accomplishments of our fine regiment. It is a story of American men who gave their all that the country they called home might live.
I desire to express my appreciation to each indiyidual for the part he played in making final victory possible. Some contributions were large, some were small, but the combination makes an epic of a brave regiment of a grand division that was given an important mission to perform, and performed that mission in the highest tradition of the United States Army.
May the comradeship, the self-sacrifice and the devotion to duty displayed while wearing the Cross of Lorraine never die. May your lives and the lives of those around you be richer for this experience.
W.A. Robinson, Colonel 314th Infantry, Commanding
Publication Date
United States. Army. Infantry Regiment, 314th United States. Army. Infantry Regiment, 314th History United States. Army. Infantry Regiment, 314th Registers Western Front (World War (1939-1945)) World War, 1939-1945 Campaigns Western Front World War, 1939-1945 Regimental histories United States
Recommended Citation
Robinson, W. A., "Through Combat: 314th Infantry Regiment" (1948). Regimental Histories. 222.

Includes an alphabetical roster of the 314th Infantry Regiment.
Not place of publication or publication year printed in book. Believed to be published 1948 (based on page 117 which has a picture taken at a 2nd Anniversary Reunion of the 314th in Philadelphia).