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From the Foreword:
The "Battle of the Ruhr Pocket" actually took place during the period from April 1 (when the pocket was closed by the junction of the First and Ninth Armies), until about April 19, 1945, when the last resistance took place near the Ruhr River. During this period over 825,000 men were locked in deadly combat. When it was all over some 325,000 Germans were in the Prisoner of War stockades.
The author, in order to give the reader more of the background and preparation for the battle, actually takes the reader back to the seizure of the Remagan Bridge, and traces each division as it crosses the Rhine and encountered the enemy in what later turned into the greatest pincer movement the world has ever known.
Many books have been published on World War II, but probably none touch on a battle or campaign which was so different from the others than does this book. As you read this volume the publisher hopes you are able to secure a better knowledge of the "Battle of the Ruhr Pocket" as it unfolds before you in the peace and contentment of your home and office.
The author of this book remembers the Ruhr well. He served as a combat infantryman throughout the entire engagement and when asked today what he remembers most about the Ruhr replies;
"Three thing -- 88's', 88's, and more 88's.
Publication Date
Tioga Book Press
Louisville, Kentucky
Battle of the Ruhr Pocket Germany April 1945, Ruhr Pocket, World War II, 12th Army Group, General Omar Bradley, 21st Army Group, Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, Operation Plunder
Recommended Citation
Briggs, Richard Arthur, "The Battle of the Ruhr Pocket: A Combat Narrative" (1957). Regimental Histories. 221.