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Based on the premise that one picture is worth a thousand words, the photographs of this Iittle volume will tell a long, long story. That story will prove a fertile field for research and for study in military transportation.
These are pictures of operations -- they depict the highlights of the greatest transportation mission of all time. Back of these photographs is the monotony, sweat, toil and death of War.
A study of these photographs will aid TC units in other theaters. They will reveal the ingenuity, the skill, the ability to create and improvise which characterized the TC soldier in the ETO as he met and conquered his problems one after another. They will offer and suggest new ideas, assist future training and shape programs of instruction ... and, too, they will record permanently the achievements of the TC in the ETO.
Publication Date
Technical Information Office, Office of the Chief of Transportation
World War, 1939-45, military transportation, military transportation photographs
Recommended Citation
U.S. Army, "Pictorial Handbook of Military Transportation. Operational Photographs of the U.S. Army Transportation Corps, European Theater of Operations. 1 August 1945" (1945). Regimental Histories. 212.

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