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From The Ship's History
The writer of this history, neither an historian nor a member of the ship's company, has tried to make it an exercise in objectivity. Yet, in reading the logs and action reports, he has come to a certain feeling and conclusion.
It is that the performance and accomplishment of DD663 may be directly linked to the performance and accomplishment of all her crew ... rather than to individual heroes. That her men unconsciously felt this may be seen in the name they called her with pride and a little awe.
She was "Task Force 663" -- a coordinated machine. To all who served in her, let that be high praise .. . for DD663 herself let it be an epitaph.
Lt. William J. Colilan, Jr., U.S.N.R.
Publication Date
United States Navy, World War 1939-1945, Regimental Histories, U.S.S. H.L. Edwards, Heywood L., Destroyer 663, DD 663, Task Force 663, Fighting 56th
Military History
Recommended Citation
United States Navy, "War diary of the U.S.S. H.L. Edwards" (1946). Regimental Histories. 143.

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