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Since its activation on July 1, 1943, the 440th Troop Carrier Group has developed from a small organization into a powerful and well-trained force with a record that speaks for itself.
During our eighteen months in the European Theater of Operations we have participated in the paradrops and glider tows that marked the invasions of Normandy and Southern France, the airborne invasion of Holland and the drop across the Rhine.
We dropped supplies to the surrounded defenders of Bastogne and flew gasoline to the tanks in their dashes across France and Germany. We brought millions of pounds of food, ammunition, medical supplies and fuel to the front lines and evacuated thousands of wounded troops and liberated prisoners of war.
Our air crews have successfully accomplished every mission assigned to them in spite of enemy action and adverse weather conditions while the ground crews have supported them superbly. We have had our good times and we have watched old friends fall victims of enemy action.
When deemed necessary the Group has separated into air and ground echelons and moved over four continents to various bases in the United Kingdom, Italy and France in order to fulfill its part toward final victory in Europe.
It is with sincere pride that I salute the courage and magnificent devotion to duty of the officers and enlisted men of the 440th Troop Carrier Group, whose deeds contributed their full share towards the defeat of Nazi Germany.
In this book we have told our story. To the men of the Air Force who have watched us in action; the men of the Airborne units we have carried into battle and the men of the Ground Forces whom we have resupplied by air it will bring memories of work done together during some of the most stirring days in history. To the wives, mothers, sweethearts and friends of the men of the 440th it will bring a picture of the activities of their men who, far from home and loved ones, faithfully and brilliantly performed their duties.
Frank G. Krebs, Colonel, Air Corps, Commanding
Publication Date
United States Army Air Forces, World War 1939-1945, Regimental Histories, 440th Troop Carrier Group, 95th Troop Carrier Squadron, 96th Troop Carrier Squadron, 97th Troop Carrier Squadron, 98th Troop Carrier Squadron
Military History
Recommended Citation
United States Army Air Forces, "DZ Europe: the story of the 440th Troop Carrier Group" (1946). Regimental Histories. 137.

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Includes roster, diary of events, and awards and decorations