Bangor Images

From the Wednesday, June 19, 1912 Bangor Daily Commercial newspaper:
"The biggest carnival parade ever seen in Bangor, probably the longest parade of any sort ever seen here, passed through the city Tuesday. It was a magnificent aggregation of artistic arrangement of decorative material, beautiful women and children and fine rigs.
From where the processions rear rested far down on the Hampden road to the food of Exchange Street, there was almost a continuous line of floats, wagons, carriages, and fire apparatus, the entire horse drawn equipment of the Bangor Fire Department being in parade.
As the procession passed along the music of the two bands, the various floats were loudly applauded as now one, then another, party of friends discovered familiar faces or firm names on the floats."
"As general opinion as heard on the street, it was a toss up for favoritism between the float of Freese, with its bevy of butterfly maidens and the float of Benson & Miller, which delightfully set off its white background with yellow flowers and trimmings, while within the square of enclosed 'yard' was a number of beautifully dressed young women of were observed of all observers. Over all was a canopy of white, and an arch with the name of Benson & Miller in yellow chrysanthemums. The four horses wore big shamrocks as decorations of their fly shields."
Benson & Miller at 15-17 Main Street was operated by Harry D. Benson and William C. Miller. The store sold ladies' suits, coats, underwear, hosiery, gloves and silks, dress goods and linings.
Location of photograph is 273-275 Main Street, as the businesses of shoemaker Daniel C. Devoux and Samuel Schiro, a fruit and confectionary store, are visible in the background. Source: 1912 Bangor city directory.
Bangor Carnival 1912, Bangor Maine history, Benson & Miller, Harry D. Benson, William C. Miller, Daniel Devoux, Samuel Schiro
20.5 x 15.1 cm
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Bangor Carnival 1912, Bangor Maine history, Benson & Miller, Harry D. Benson, William C. Miller, Daniel Devoux, Samuel Schiro
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