Bangor Images

Back of photograph reads: "Chas. J. Webber office 1905 Bangor"
Charles J. Webber's office was listed at 13 State Street in the 1907 Bangor City Directory. His office location is not listed at all in the 1905 Bangor City Directory. So, best we can tell, this is 13 State Street, Bangor, Maine, though, we know we could be wrong.
Charles J. Webber, born in 1881, was the third generation to manage the legendary Webber family's vast Maine timberlands business, entering the business in 1905 and remaining prominent in the business until his death in 1961.
Charles J. Webber, Webber family timberlands business, Bangor Maine business history
20.5 x 15.2 cm
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Charles J. Webber, Webber family timberlands business, Bangor Maine business history
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