Bangor Images

Circa Date
circa 1890-1903
Inscription on back of photograph:
"Looking down Hammond St from the corner of Fifth Street circa (not visible; photograph appears to have been cut) one sees the front of the two hitching posts in front of the residence of Drs. William C. Mason and William Fellows. The Sanborn house is the white one and next is the Lowder. Photograph taken by Frank H.C. Reynolds, Bangor."
William C. Mason was a physician of lived at 316 Hammond Street (the house on the far right). The home at 316 Hammond in Bangor in 2019 appears to be the same, but renovated, home.
His neighbor, Dr. William Edwin Fellows, lived at 314 Hammond Street. Dr. Fellows's address in the 1903 Bangor City Directory was on Union Street, but we estimate this photograph still could have been as late as 1903. It is plausible the home at this address is the same in 2019.
The Sanborn house belonged to Richard S. Sanborn at 311 Hammond Street. Next is the Lowder Hotel at 303 Hammond Street. The Lowder building also appears to still be standing in Bangor circa 2019.
The photographer, Frank H.C. Reynolds, is listed as living at 320 Hammond Street during this time period. It seems as though, in fact, Mr. Reynolds took this photograph from his residence.
Bangor Maine Hammond Street history
21 x 12.5 cm
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Bangor Maine Hammond Street history
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