Bangor Images

Circa Date
circa 1887-1895
Intersection of Hammond and Central Streets in Bangor, Maine, circa 1887-1895. Estimate based on businesses shown in photograph cross-referenced with Bangor city directories. Zoom-in reveals a rather astonishing amount of electrical wires above street level.
Under Drugs and Medicines, is H.C Goodenow's Office. Henry C. Goodenow, a lawyer in Bangor, died June 1895. A. (Adolphus) J. Chapman, Attorney and U.S. Claim Agent, who died in 1893, had an office in the same building. Also in this building was Ara Warren's business, an apothecary.
Located in the next block are:
Lyford & Woodward, a hats and furs shop at 33 Hammond Street. Thornton Lyford and Charles E. Woodward, proprietors.
D.M. Howard and Son general insurance agents at 23 Hammond. Daniel M. and George Fred Howard.
Adolf Pfaff, watchmaker and jeweler, at 25 Hammond.
Chapman's Clothing Co. at 51 Hammond. John E. Chapman owner.
Hammond Street Bangor Maine, Central Street Bangor Maine, Bangor Maine history 1890s, Bangor Maine history 1880s
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Hammond Street Bangor Maine, Central Street Bangor Maine, Bangor Maine history 1890s, Bangor Maine history 1880s
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