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Regardless of the choice of your vacation spot in the Aroostook Country -- whether you come for fishing, canoeing, climbing Mt. Katahdin, hunting, or whether it is the desire "just to loaf and loll" you'll find a woods vacation the best of all vacations which will be equally enjoyable and zestful in the realization and in thr retrospection, indeed, as any "old-timer" will tell you, looking back on a wood vacation is perhaps even more than half of the benefits which it give . For health and happiness and for longlasting, joyful recollections, decide that this year's "time-off" will he spent In the Maine Woods.
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Bangor and Aroostook Railroad
Bangor and Aroostook Railroad, Maine tourism, Maine sporting business advertisements, Maine camp advertisements, Maine tourism pictorial works
Recommended Citation
Bangor and Aroostook Railroad, "In the Maine Woods: 1930 Edition" (1930). Maine Railroad Publications. 9.