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Hunting, fishing, canoeing, camping, mountain-climbing -- these are the high-lights in the recreational program offered by the premier vacationland for which Bangor & Aroostook Railroad is the gateway. This annual publication, "In the Maine Woods." is not only an information manual for this vast playground but also is an invitation to all its readers to come and enjoy the delights which are found in such variety and abundance in this region which has been the favorite vacationland, for well nigh half a century. Each succeeding year sees many new-comers who add their words of praise to the enthusiastic and long-time chorus of veteran devotees.
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Bangor and Aroostook Railroad
Bangor and Aroostook Railroad, Maine tourism, Maine sporting business advertisements, Maine camp advertisements, Maine tourism pictorial works
Recommended Citation
Bangor and Aroostook Railroad, "In the Maine Woods: 1936 Edition" (1936). Maine Railroad Publications. 5.