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In spite the craze for speed -- through water, on land and in the air -- never has the canoe, one of the most primitive of craft, been more popular than at the present time. This, it may be argued, is a good indication of returning sanity for there is no recreation more health-giving and stimulating than a canoe cruise through the woodland waters which are so numerous in Aroostook country. A decade or so ago it was regarded as a great novelty, the making of a canoe trip in the Maine woods, and as for women attempting one of these forest expeditions, she who did it was looked upon as an adventuress. Now, however, perhaps owing to the increasing strenuosity of city life and consequent craving for new scenes, different modes of living and the leaving behind of the stress and strain of the times, canoeing is the favorite form of vacation for hundreds of men and women.
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Bangor and Aroostook Railroad
Bangor and Aroostook Railroad, Maine tourism, Maine sporting business advertisements, Maine camp advertisements, Maine tourism pictorial works
Recommended Citation
Bangor and Aroostook Railroad, "In the Maine Woods: 1914 Edition" (1914). Maine Railroad Publications. 47.