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Page One recounts the November 29, 1944, landing and capture of two German spies, Erich Gimpel and William Curtis Colepaugh, undertaking Operation Elster at Hancock Point on the Schoodic Penisula.
The Observer had previously "scooped" the nation with the story just a few weeks prior. Much of this issue provides a wealth of details of this incident perhaps long-forgotten or not previously known.
This issue also profiles WAC LT Mildred Hearon, PVT Frances Dickerson, PVT Alice Fillion, and PVT Ruth Collins; and we see SGT Chester C. Sutton and PVT Samuel A. West making yarn mats.
Publication Date
Dow Field Personnel
Bangor Maine
Bangor Maine, Dow Field, Bangor Maine World War II, Erich Gimpel, William Curtis Colepaugh, Operation Elster, Hancock Point Maine, Schoodic Penisula
Recommended Citation
Dow Field Personnel, Bangor, Maine, "January 3, 1945" (1945). Dow Field Observer. 44.